
LaGina Glass is a ULC ordained minister, with the legal rights to preside as wedding minister for the marriages of friends and family. Beyond performing a wedding, ULC ministers are also ordained to perform other religious services like baptisms and funerals. All sessions are handled with confidentiality and integrity.

***All interactions will remain personal and confidential.

LaGina Glass does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a replacement form of treatment for physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or medical problems by your doctor or other medical professional of your choice, either directly or indirectly. The intention is to offer a variety of information and tools to help the reader/client in their quest for spiritual growth, emotional and physical well-being.

No refunds or exchanges for services or reports. Changes in appointments must be made 24 hours in advance in order to receive the full benefit of payments made . Again, no refunds, however, we will  honor changes in schedules as long as they are made (minimum) of 24 hours in advance.